Regenerative medicine can be one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate skin. At Cope Cosmetic Dermatology, we offer the most advanced skincare treatments and technologies available.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Your blood contains a few different components, one of which is the plasma. Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a treatment that uses your own blood sample to generate a natural, protein-rich serum from your blood’s plasma. This serum is rich in growth factors that can stimulate your body’s collagen and cell turnover processes to create healthier, younger-looking skin.

What Are the Benefits of PRP?

PRP has a wide variety of uses and benefits. It can be an effective option for the following skin concerns:

  • Dryness
  • Sagging and thin skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Texture and uneven tone
  • Dullness and pigmentation

PRP works best when combined with microneedling. Microneedling helps open up tiny channels in the skin to allow for better absorption and also helps stimulate the body’s wound-healing response (which can be further boosted by PRP’s regenerative properties). This makes PRP microneedling one of the most sought-after skincare treatments available.

What Can I Expect From PRP Treatment?

You’ll discuss your cosmetic goals for PRP with our team to help determine the right approach and whether PRP is a safe option for you. PRP begins by taking a small sample of your blood. The sample will be placed inside a specialized centrifuge which spins the blood down into its components. The plasma is then microneedled or injected into the skin in your treatment areas. Once complete, your skin will be soothed and made ready for the rest of the day.

PRP Maintenance

Make sure to leave the PRP on your skin for at least 8 hours after treatment. You’ll have some minor redness and sensitivity after your treatment and should avoid exercise or strenuous activities. You should use only a gentle, unscented cleanser and moisturizer for the first few days and avoid any active ingredients. After a few days of treatment, you’ll notice some flaking and texture to your skin, but this will subside as your skin recovers. It’s extremely important to wear SPF 30+ to protect your skin from sun damage as your skin will be especially sensitive to sun damage.

Most patients undergo a package of treatments spaced about one month apart with PRP. It can take several weeks for your skin to begin to build collagen using the PRP and your results will only improve with subsequent treatments. Once you complete your package, you can undergo yearly maintenance treatments to preserve your results and prevent collagen loss.


Dr. Austin Cope is a Utah native as well as a highly educated and well-trained cosmetic dermatologist. At Cope Cosmetic Dermatology, our team is here to help you look and feel your best.


Dr. Cope can help you achieve a new level of confidence with aesthetic experience and a laid-back approach. To learn more, contact us through our online form or give us a call.

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